Corporate Governance
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We always welcome talented engineers with strong academic and technical knowledge who wish to work on challenging global projects to joinour teams. We strongly value personal integrity, work ethics and team work qualities.

Why work for us?

Rewarding Career
Imagine working on complex projects, safely and sustainably. Imagine being given the opportunity to grow through a varied and exciting career. Your work will help us to innovate, engineer, do research, analysis and provide technology solutions for our clients. With us, you’ll be challenged to develop your skills and experience. You will be encouraged to excel. You’ll have the opportunity to build a rewarding career.

Opportunity to learn from experts
You will be part of a strong, global team shaping the future of the world's automotive, power, architecture, oil and gas, clean energy andenvironment markets.You will be working for our clients who are themselves world leaders in their chosen fields. We ensure that you inculcate the work ethics and attitude needed to become an expert yourself.

We Strive for Excellence
We have some of the world’s best people and work towards developing the next generation employees. We constantly evaluate and ask ourselves how to do better. We strive for excellence in everything we work on. It involves a lot of hard work, commitment, dedication and teamwork. But that’s how we do things.

Inclusive work environment
We do not discriminate people based on age, race and ethnic background. We ensure fairness, support in development and safe work environment. People are respected, recognized for their work and look out for each other. We ensure that you enjoy your work and we breed the culture of high achievers where employees are willing to go the extra mile.Where people feel they belong.

Let's shape the future together! Proudly be part of our successful team!