Corporate Social Responsibility
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Health & Safety

We are committed to maintaining a high level of safety at our workplace through a set of Safe Office Behaviors which define our behavior and actions within an office environment.
Having a zero harm culture within our organization is one of our top priorities. To achieve this, we encourage our employees, contractors and clients to make a personal choice to work safely and to look out for their co-workers. Our weekly safety meeting further reinforces safe work practices at work place. We ensure our safety policies and principles being applied to all the projects we handle from planning to review.

Environmental Responsibility

We are well aware of our responsibilities to the environment in which we live and work.We at Early Bird ensure our projects to meet environmental regulations. We are committed to d reducing the environmental footprint, protecting wildlife habitats. We promoterecycling and focusing on greener environment. We always strive to lead the way in acting in an environmentally responsible way. To turn our innovative ideas to reality, we combine the creativity with real-world experience. Early Bird communicateswith our staff, clients, partners, suppliers and contractors to make sure we work in an environmentally responsible way. Also we are committed to minimizingenvironmental impacts while working to improve the energy efficiency of our own facilities.

Social Responsibility

We are committed to have a positive presence in the countries we operate. We work with our clients to guide and support local supply chains, and we always strive to participate in charitable and other activities. In addition, the company is committed to identify areas of community involvement where our voluntary efforts can improve the quality of life in the communities in which we operate.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

The Company has established a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. We are guided by the general guidelines contained in code of business conduct and ethics for conducting the business of Early Bird and all subsidiaries and affiliates to ensure we achieve international best practices in terms of transparency and accountability.

Our senior management team oversees all our ethics and compliance programs and determines code violations and discipline. All of our directors, officers, employees of and other persons acting in similar capacities for the Company and all of its direct and indirect subsidiaries are required to read and understand the code and follow its percepts in the workplace.

Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is inherent within everything we do and is integral to our work practices. For all the projects we work, we ensure the application of our predefined good practices in co-operation with our clients. Across all the phases of the project life cycle, we apply the principles of sustainable development. We always strive to develop partnerships within the communities in which we operate.

We are committed to involving ourselves in helping clients with environmentally sustainable projects. We always strive to work with our clients to turn ideas into greener project results.